Thursday, October 31, 2013


We got our iPads!! felt so badly that I didn't get a class picture of the children in their Halloween costumes last Wednesday, but today was a pretty exciting day too. As you can see they are so happy!

Mr. Ceel came to talk about his adventure out west.

Mr. Ceel talked to the class about his adventures out west on Tuesday. He was so impressed by how much the students knew about the west and so was I. He had so much fun talking about his travels and having the students add what they know. Unfortunately he had to cut the trip short due to a loss of one of our friends. However, he is still planning to travel to the southwest in December so he will be keeping in contact with us on that journey. HappyTrails to Mr. Ceel!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

WKCE Testing is starting!

The schedule for WKCE testing for Room 106 is as follows:

Wednesday, October 30 -Reading 9:00-10:00
Thursday, October 31-Reading 9:00-10:00
Tuesday, November 5-Reading 9:30-10:30
Wednesday, November 6- Math-9:00-10:00
Thursday, November 7-Math- 9:00-10:00
Friday, November 8-Science-9:00-10:00, Language Arts-11:00-11:45
Monday, November 11-Writing-9:00-10:00, Social Studies-10:00-11:00

Then we are done!! Please make sure that your child is well rested and has had a good breakfast. It really can make a HUGE difference in their performance on the tests. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

School Board Meeting on Monday, October 28th at 6:00 P.M.

The school board meeting is on Monday, October 28th at 6:00 p.m. Today we had a camera person come in and tape our classroom. We talked about the FISH Philosohy that we use at General Mitchell. I believe they will be showing the short clip at the meeting that night since General Mitchell is the focus school. While they didn't all say something, they were all in the circle in their ADORABLE Halloween costumes!! What a great class we have!!

Halloween Parade

What wonderful costumes the children had on today!! It was so much fun walking in the parade and having parents outside waiting to see us. Great start to a great day!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

PB and J Challenge

This year we will be participating in the Feeding America PB&J Challenge.  It runs from October 1st-October 31st.   Every student that donates Peanut Butter and/or jelly will receive a Milwaukee Bucks voucher for a ticket on either 11/23/13 or 11/9/13. This is a great program to help feed those that are in need while also getting to see the Milwaukee Bucks play! It is a win-win!! 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Mr. Hill gets duct taped to the wall!!!

What a fun day Friday was watching Mr. Hill getting duct taped to the wall! My students were so excited to slap a piece of duct tape on him. He was such a good sport! 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Mitchell in Motion
Mitchell in Motion was so much fun for all which is evident by the great pictures and videos attached. The P.T.A. was able to raise about $12,000! Wow!! Also, since we had over 75% of the students raise money, we will be duct taping Mr. Hill to the wall on this Friday at 8:30 during the FISH meeting. I personally can not wait to see that! What a good sport he is!