Thursday, May 22, 2014

School Picnic


School Picnic

When: June 10th

10:40 - K4 AM Class

11:00 - Team Shine, Team Goom Jigi

11:20 - Franz, Alt, Kierstead, Ceel

11:40 - Team Ohana, Team Character

12:00 - Hagedorn, Reiser, Leal, Suzlik

12:20 -  Richards, Pemberton, Ashenberg,

1:00 - K4 PM Class

Event ends at 2:30 or at the teacher’s discretion

Where: Lower Playground

Who: All Mitchell Staff & Students

Why: 2013-14 has been an awesome school year!

A picnic lunch will be served. We will have hot dogs, chips & bottled water. Our dessert will be a Freeze Pop.

This event will include many outdoor activities such as a bouncy house, kickball games and chalk.picnic.jpg

Parent Volunteers needed for this fun event. Please click on the following link sign up: Volunteer  Sign-up 

Learning Origami

We had a visit from Mrs. F who taught us all about origami. She knew everything there was to learn about it! The class loved it! You could have heard a pin drop in our room because the students were so interest. A special thanks to Taylor's family for donating this session to us!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Graduation from High School

The year that my students will be graduating in is in the Spring of 2022!!! Can you believe that!?!