Tuesday, November 26, 2013

FISH Ambassadors

The last two ambassadors for our classroom have been Alivia Reglin and Miguel Coria. Comgtratulations to them for having noticeable FISH behavior the last two weeks! 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Thankful for Books Day!

Tuesday, November 26th is going to be "Thankful for Books" day at General Mitchell! So, here is a list of the activities planned:

1)Each class will have one Mitchell staff member come in and read to their class for 15 to 30 minutes. 

2) There will be "Classroom Buddy Read" with another class in the school and our class will be reading with Ms. Vasta's class from 2:15-2:45 pm

3) Students will have cookies and milk to enjoy while they read. I want to thank Mrs. Schmidt, Mrs. Chappelle, and Mrs. Figueroa for supplying the treats. 

4) Additionally, the kids can wear their pajamas all day!

NOTE: if any parents would like to read a book to the class, just let me know. We would love to have you be part of the day.

This will be so much fun! What a great way to celebrate the start of our Thanksgiving break! 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Ambassador Awards

At the Friday FISH Meeting, we have started awarding a class ambassador. The ambassador is picked based on how often they showed positive FISH behavior (make someone's day, be there, choose your attitude, and play) that week. With my class, that was a very hard decision because we have so many ambassador in our class. This week was Kassidy from our class. Also, Ms. Blank, the librarian, picked Peyton as her class ambassador for the week. Congratulations to both of them!!! 

Monday, November 4, 2013



Let’s all do our part to help make sure no one goes hungry this holiday season. PTA will be collecting non-perishable donations to go to a local food pantry for community families in need.  


Items to consider could be:


Canned Vegetables, Stuffing, Gravy,

Instant Potatoes, Cranberry Saucetc….

*Please do not send in expired items*


There will be a class incentive for the class that donates the most items!  So make sure to send your donations to school in a bag marked with your child’s room number! The class with the most items donated will receive an ice cream treat on Tues., November 26th.


All donated items in their marked bags should be placed in the collection bins provided in the main hallway.


Thank you for your support and donations.  If you have any questions, please contact Margie White at 414/840-8434.